My Hardiness Zone and How PlantTAGG Works
PlantTAGG Hardiness Zone calculations are more accurate than industry standards - but also configurable.
PlantTAGG Hardiness Zone calculations are more accurate than industry standards - but also configurable.
You've done the measurements, analyzed the sunlight, and tuned your irrigation system. This article walks you through using the PlantTAGG app in your local garden center to make it fast, easy and fun to create the garden of your dreams.
We are thrilled to announce that the PlantTAGG mobile app is now available in the Apple iPhone and Google Play app stores! It's free to use - download it today for additional features and the most comprehensive plant and plant care info -- backed by Master Gardeners! Keep reading to learn more.
We are glowing with excitement over the PlantTAGG-enabled Spring Garden Tours across North Texas this season. Of course, it's incredible to see the amazing private and community gardens filled with native plants, unique specimens, and colorful blooms. It's been especially great to hear the feedback from everyone who got to experience PlantTAGG first-hand in the gardens! This article highlights some of the beautiful imagery in the gardens this year.
PlantTAGG Founder & CEO Andrew Levi sat down with ShoutoutDFW to discuss entrepreneurship, plant care, technology innovation, and all things Dallas.
Gardening became a mainstream hobby in 2020 for people of all ages. We sat down with PlantTAGG Founder & CEO Andrew Levi to talk about gardening, how it's evolved over the past year, and what we can expect in 2021. Read on to hear what he had to say.
After months of intense R&D, PlantTAGG’s Plant ID is now available in the app! Most plant identification apps available today offer limited and often unreliable identification. PlantTAGG’s Plant ID uses cutting-edge image recognition technology and presents a complete plant profile – a digital Plant Tag – for each plant submitted for identification. PlantTAGG’s Plant ID helps you add plants to your yard faster and easier than ever before.
NTX Inno sat down with PlantTAGG Founder & CEO Andrew Levi to discuss how PlantTAGG is helping simplify residential gardening. PlantTAGG combines machine learning technology with horticulture expertise and climate data to deliver geographically relevant plant care information to your mobile device. Read the article here.
PlantTAGG® announced its first independent garden center partner, Ruibal’s Plants of Texas, one of the top 30 largest independent garden centers in the U.S. Ruibal’s is making PlantTAGG available at no charge to its customers who are looking for ways to manage their home gardens and landscaping. Ruibal’s customers can text ‘RUIBALS’ to 46376 to get started.