19 Mar

Dog-friendly Yards and Landscapes

The backyard of your home should be a place that is safe and inviting for you and your dog to share enjoyment and companionship. While you may want your dog to get exercise, your dog should learn that a yard is also a place to throw balls, catch frisbees, and enjoy the sounds and sights of nature. With some planning, your dog will eagerly look forward to the time you spend together. The primary requirements of a dog-friendly yard and landscape are safety, layout planning, and humane considerations. Keep reading to learn more.

25 Jan

20 Winter Garden Projects You Can Start Now

Moving closer to Spring, we want to start thinking about all the work needed in our gardens. This list offers ideas for 20 winter garden projects you can start while it’s still cold outside. You’ll find practical additions (i.e., building a planter box) and more traditional ideas (i.e., planting bulbs). Pick one, some or all - but get started on your winter garden projects today!

7 Sep

10 DIY Plant Care Tips to Boost Curb Appeal

Boosting curb appeal starts with creating and maintaining the perfect lawn all year round. However, adding texture, color, points of interest, and functionality to your yard takes work. This blog post looks at 10 do-it-yourself plant care tips to help you achieve a timeless landscape with incredible curb appeal.

26 Aug

10 Low Maintenance Plants for Your Garden

Gardening is a great way to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. Studies show that gardening can reduce stress, provide peace of mind, and promote resilience. Want to make it even easier on your psyche? Keep reading to learn some of our favorite low maintenance plants to consider for your garden.

28 Jul

Landscaping Service – Why You Should Use a Professional

A well-maintained landscape takes a lot of forethought and hard work, especially for it to shine all year. While you might have some general landscaping knowledge, hiring an experienced professional can help. This article focuses on the benefits of working with a professional landscaping service and several considerations to keep in mind when planning residential garden areas.

19 Jul

How to Apply Landscape Design Principles to Your Garden

Landscape design principles are ideals used to create visually appealing landscapes. Applying these principles can produce a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment. This article reviews how to apply landscape design principles to your yard and garden for maximum impact. It provides examples around four landscape design principles: order, proportion, repetition, and unity. 

14 Jul

Landscape Design Principles to Increase Your Home Value

A thoughtfully planned landscape design can significantly improve your living space and home value. Whether lighting to enhance a cheery mood, blooming plants to provide color in a flower garden, or shade structures to keep things cool, a gorgeous landscape design can add 10-15% to a home's value in a hot market. This article focuses on the primary landscape design principles you need to know to unlock your creativity.