26. Zexmenia, Hairy Wedelia, Acapulco Wedelia, Texas Creeping Oxeye, Devil's River, Wedelia Texana
Wedelia acapulcensis var. hispida
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Whorled
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Lyrate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, Orange
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

27. Flame Acanthus, Hummingbird Bush, Wright's Desert Honeysuckle, Wright Acanthus, Mexican Flame, Wright's Mexican Flame
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 8A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Lanceolate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Red, Orange
Height: 3 to 5 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

28. Henry Duelberg Salvia, Mealy Cup Sage, Blue Sage, Mealy Sage, Duelberg Sage
Salvia farinacea ‘Henry Duelberg’
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Slightly Alkaline (7.4-7.8)
Bloom Color(s): Blue, Purple
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

29. Snake Plant, Viper's Bowstring, Viper's Bowstring Hemp, African Spear, Good Luck Plant, Goldband Sansevieria, Magic Sword, Variegated Snake Plant, Gold Edged Snake Plant, Devil's Tongue, Mother-in-Law's Tongue
Sansevieria trifasciata
Category: Houseplant
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 10A – 12B
Sun: High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day) , High Shade (1-2 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Whorled
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Linear
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Rarely flowers indoors
pH: Moderately Acidic (5.6-6.0)
Bloom Color(s): White, Green
Height: 2 to 4 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

30. Black Eyed Susan, Brown Eyed Susan, Denver Daisy, Rudbeckia, Gloriosa Daisy
Rudbeckia hirta
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Oblong
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Black, Yellow
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

31. Butterfly Weed, Yellow Milkweed, Pleurisy Root, Tuberous Swallowwort, Indian Paintbrush
Asclepias tuberosa ‘Hello Yellow’
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 18 to 24 in
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Lanceolate
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow
Height: 24 to 36 in
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

32. Oakleaf Hydrangea, Oak Leaf Hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5B – 9B
Sun: High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day) , Full shade (little or no direct sun)
Spacing: 6 to 8 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Soil: Clay Loam
Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Brown, White, Pink, Green
Height: 4 to 8 ft

33. Rose Of Sharon, Althea, Korean Hibiscus, Rose Of China
Hibiscus syriacus
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5B – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 4 to 6 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Soil: Clay Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Yellow, White, Violet, Red, Pink
Height: 8 to 12 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

34. Japanese Maple
Hibiscus syriacus
Category: Tree (Ornamental)
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5B – 8B
Sun: High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day) , High Shade (1-2 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 10 to 15 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Pinnately
Soil: Clay Loam
Bloom Time: Non-Flowering
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Red, Purple
Height: 10 to 25 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

35. Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Coreopsis lanceolata
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Clay
Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer
pH: Unknown
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, Red
Height: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

36. Yarrow, Common Yarrow, White Yarrow, Western Yarrow, Gordaldo, Nosebleed Plant, Old Man's Pepper, Devil's Nettle, Dog Daisy, Dog Fennel, Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Thousand Leaf, Sanguinary, Milenrama, Bloodwort, Carpenter's Weed, Plumajillo
Achillea millefolium
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 3A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Lance
Soil: Clay
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Yellow, White, Red, Pink
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

37. Lavender, English Lavender, True Lavender, Garden Lavender, Common Lavender, Narrow-Leaved Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia
Category: Herb
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 8B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Violet, Purple
Height: 2 to 4 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

38. Cucumber, Gherkin
Lavandula angustifolia
Category: Vegetable & Fruit
Lifecycle: Annual
Hardiness Zones: 2A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Cordate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Yellow
Height: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

39. Daffodils, Jonquils, Paperwhites, Narcissus
Narcissus spp.
Category: Flowering Bulb
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 6 to 10 in
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Linear
Soil: Clay Loam
Bloom Time: Spring
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Yellow, White, Red, Pink, Orange
Height: 12 to 18 in
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

40. Hibiscus, Chinese Hibiscus, Rose of China
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 9A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 4 to 6 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, White, Red, Pink, Orange
Height: 4 to 6 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

41. Chinese Fringe Flower, Loropetalum, Chinese Witch Hazel, Strap Flower
Loropetalum chinense
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 9B
Sun: High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 7 to 9 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Late Winter/Early Spring
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): White, Red, Purple, Pink
Height: 6 to 10 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

42. Sunshine Ligustrum, Sunshine Privet
Ligustrum sinense ‘Sunshine’
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 6A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 3 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Elliptic
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Non-Flowering
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): –
Height: 3 to 6 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

43. Autumn Fern, Japanese Wood Fern, Copper Shield Fern, Japanese Shield Fern
Dryopteris erythrosora
Category: Fern
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 9B
Sun: Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day) , High Shade (1-2 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Non-Flowering
pH: Strongly Acidic (5.1-5.5)
Bloom Color(s): –
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

44. Blackfoot Daisy, Melampodium, Plains Blackfoot
Melampodium leucanthum
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 6 to 12 in
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Linear
Soil: Sand
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Slightly Alkaline (7.4-7.8)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, White
Height: 6 to 12 in
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

45. Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac, Orange Eye, Buddleja
Buddleia davidii
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 5 to 6 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Elliptic
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Moderately Alkaline (7.9-8.4)
Bloom Color(s): Magenta, Lavender, Blue, Black, Yellow, White, Violet, Red, Purple, Pink, Orange
Height: 6 to 8 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

46. Yaupon, Yaupon Holly
Ilex vomitoria
Category: Tree (Ornamental)
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 12 to 15 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Elliptic
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer
pH: Moderately Acidic (5.6-6.0)
Bloom Color(s): White, Green
Height: 10 to 20 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

47. Liriope, Big Blue Lilyturf, Monkey Grass
Liriope muscari ‘Big Blue’
Category: Ground Cover
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 10B
Sun: High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day) , Full shade (little or no direct sun)
Spacing: 12 to 16 in
Leaf Arrangement: Whorled
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Late Summer/Early Fall
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Blue, Violet
Height: 12 to 16 in
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

48. Oregano, Italian Oregano, Marjoram, Creeping Marjoram, Pot Marjoram, Wild Margoram
Origanum vulgare
Category: Herb
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4A – 8B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Late Summer/Early Fall
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): White, Purple, Pink
Height: 1 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

49. Japanese Holly Fern, Fishtail
Cyrtomium falcatum
Category: Fern
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 6A – 10B
Sun: Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day) , Full shade (little or no direct sun)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Fascicled
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Non-Flowering
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): –
Height: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

50. Peony
Paeonia lactiflora
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 3A – 8B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Elliptic
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Late Spring
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s):Yellow, White, Red, Pink
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous