The PlantTAGG ‘Top Plants’ list is ranked based on the most common plants being managed by thousands of PlantTAGG users across North America. They vary from garden vegetables to natives, shrubs, and popular perennials. Be sure to click ‘Full Plant Profile’ for plants of interest to see extensive details about each plant including a comprehensive plant description, planting, pruning, fertilizing and even pest management guidance.

1. Tomato
Solanum lycopersicum
Category: Vegetable & Fruit
Lifecycle: Annual
Hardiness Zones: 2A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 6 to 8 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Lyrate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow
Height: 6 to 9 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

2. Autumn Sage, Cherry Sage, Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggii
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): White, Red, Pink, Orange
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

3. Turk's Cap, Wax Mallow, Ladies' Eardrops, Scotchman's Purse, Turk's Turban, Wild Fuchsia, Texas Mallow, Red Mallow, Bleeding Heart, Drummond Wax Mallow, Sleepy Hibiscus, Mexican Apple, Sleeping Hibiscus, Manzanita
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7B – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Shade (1-2 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 3 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): White, Red, Pink
Height: 2 to 5 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

4. Rosemary, Anthos
Rosmarinus officinalis
Category: Herb
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7B – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Blue, White, Pink
Height: 2 to 6 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

5. Purple Coneflower, Sombrero
Echinacea purpurea
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 3A – 8B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 6 to 12 in
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Blue, White, Pink
Height: 3 to 4 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

6. Texas Lantana, West Indian Shrubverbena, Calico Bush, Native Orange
Lantana urticoides
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 8A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day), High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 3 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, Red, Orange
Height: 4 to 6 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

7. Crape Myrtle, Crapemyrtle, Lilac Of The South, Summer Lilac, Crepe Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica
Category: Tree (Ornamental)
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 6A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 6 to 20 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Lance
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Late Summer/Early Fall
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Magenta, Lavender, Yellow, White, Violet, Red, Purple, Pink, Orange
Height: 6 to 25 ft

8. Hydrangea, Bigleaf Hydrangea, French Hydrangea, Hortensia, Mophead Hydrangea, Pennymac, Snowball Plant
Hydrangea macrophylla
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 75A – 8B
Sun: Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day) , Full shade (little or no direct sun)
Spacing: 3 to 6 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Blue, White, Red, Pink, Green
Height: 3 to 6 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

9. Sweet Basil, Basil, Genovese Basil, Kiss-Me-Nicholas, Common Basil, Great Basil
Ocimum basilicum
Category: Herb
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 2A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Year Round
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): White, Pink
Height: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

10. Black & Blue Salvia, Anise Sage, Anise-Scented Sage, Blue Anise Sage, Brazilian Sage, Brazilian Anise Sage, Licorice Sage, Giant Blue Sage, Sapphire Sage, Hummingbird Sage, Meadow Sage
Salvia guaranitica
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Lance
Soil: Clay Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Blue
Height: 3 to 4 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

11. Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo, Sacred Bamboo
Nandina domestica
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 6A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Lance
Soil: Clay Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, White
Height: 3 to 8 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

12. Golden Pothos, Ceylon Creeper, Hunter's Robe, Ivy Arum, Marble Queen, Taro Vine, Devil's Ivy, Devil's Vine, Pothos
Epipremnum aureum
Category: Houseplant
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 10A – 11B
Sun: Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day) , Full shade (little or no direct sun)
Spacing: 2 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Whorled
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Cordate
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Rarely flowers indoors
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Lavender, Yellow, White
Height: 10 to 40 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

13. Gregg's Mistflower, Texas Ageratum, Palm Leaf Mistflower, Palm Leaf Thoroughwort, Purple Palm Leaf Eupatorium, Hardy Ageratum
Conoclinium greggii
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Pinnately
Soil: Sandy Adaptable
Bloom Time: Summer, Fall
pH: Purple
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Lavender, Yellow, White
Height: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

14. Texas Sage, Compact Texas Ranger, Texas Barometer Bush, Silverado Sage, Texas Silverado, Cenizo, Senisa, Purple Sage, Texas Silverleaf, Texas Rain Sage, Ash-bush, Wild Lilac, Cenicilla, Palo Cenizo
Leucophyllum frutescens
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 8A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Lavender, Yellow, White
Height: 5 to 8 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

15. Garden Edible Peppers - Cayenne Pepper, Red Pepper, Red Cluster Pepper, Bell Pepper, Cherry Pepper, Poblano Pepper, Chile Pequin, Jalapeno, Turkey Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Category: Vegetable & Fruit
Lifecycle: Annual
Hardiness Zones: 9A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Fascicled
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, White, Purple
Height: 1 to 4 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

16. Blue Salvia, Mealycup Sage, Mealy Blue Sage, Victoria Blue Sage
Salvia farinacea
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Annual
Hardiness Zones: 7A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Year Round
pH: Slightly Alkaline (7.4-7.8)
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Blue, White, Violet
Height: 1 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

17. Daylily Stella de Oro, Dwarf Daylily
Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’
Category: Flowering Bulb
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4A – 9B
Sun: High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 6 to 12 in
Leaf Arrangement: Whorled
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Linear
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Spring, Summer
pH: Adaptable
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Yellow
Height: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

18. Red Yucca, Yellow Yucca, Coral Yucca, Hummingbird Yucca, Redflower, False Yucca, Samandoque Flor Roja
Hesperaloe parviflora
Category: Cacti/Succulent
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Whorled
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Acicular
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Red, Pink
Height: 3 to 5 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

19. American Boxwood, Boxwood, Common Box, Common Boxwood, European Box
Buxus spp.
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 5A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 4 to 12 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Adaptable
Bloom Time: Spring
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Yellow, White
Height: 2 to 20 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

20. Bearded Iris; Common Flag; German Iris; Rhizomatous Iris
Iris x germanica
Category: Perennial
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 3A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 1 to 2 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Clay Loam
Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Lavender, Blue, Yellow, White, Violet, Purple
Height: 1 to 4 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

21. Aloe, Aloe Vera, Burn Plant, Burn Aloe, Medicinal Aloe
Aloe vera
Category: Cacti/Succulent
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 10A – 12B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 in
Leaf Arrangement: Fascicled
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Lance
Soil: Sand
Bloom Time: Seasonal
pH: Slightly Alkaline (7.4-7.8)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow
Height: 1 to 3 ft
Leaf Retention: Evergreen

22. Tropical Lantana, Shrub Verbena, Yellow Sage, Jamaica Mountain Sage, Spanish Flag, Tickberry, West Indian Lantana
Lantana camara
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 8A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 3 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Summer, Fall
pH: Slightly Acidic (6.1-6.5)
Bloom Color(s): Multi-Colored, Lavender, Yellow, White, Red, Purple, Pink, Orange
Height: 3 to 4 ft
Leaf Retention: Semi-Evergreen

23. Azaleas, Rhododendrons
Rhododendron spp.
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4B – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Shade (1-2 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 3 to 6 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Slow
Leaf Shape: Elliptic
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Spring
pH: Moderately Acidic (5.6-6.0)
Bloom Color(s): Multi-Colored, Lavender, Yellow, White, Violet, Red, Purple, Pink, Orange
Height: 3 to 6 ft
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

24. Texas Rock Rose, Rose Pavonia, Shell Flower, Rock Rosemallow, Texas Swampmallow, Pavonia, Rose Pavonia
Pavonia lasiopetala
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 4A – 9B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 3 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Low
Growth Rate: Moderate
Leaf Shape: Obovate
Soil: Sandy Loam
Bloom Time: Spring
pH: Moderately Acidic (5.6-6.0)
Bloom Color(s): Pink
Height: 3 to 4 in
Leaf Retention: Deciduous

25. Field Pumpkin, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Acorn Squash, Courgette, Marrow, Ornamental Gourd, Patty Pan Squash, Pumpkin, Winter Squash
Cucurbita pepo
Category: Vegetable & Fruit
Lifecycle: Annual
Hardiness Zones: 3A – 11B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Spacing: 2 to 4 ft
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Water: Medium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Leaf Shape: Lyrate
Soil: Loam
Bloom Time: Summer
pH: Neutral (6.6-7.3)
Bloom Color(s): Yellow, White
Height: 4 to 12 in
Leaf Retention: Deciduous