Golden Pothos, Ceylon Creeper, Hunter's Robe, Ivy Arum, Marble Queen, Taro Vine, Devil's Ivy, Devil's Vine, Pothos

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Common Name: Golden Pothos, Ceylon Creeper, Hunter’s Robe, Ivy Arum, Marble Queen, Taro Vine, Devil’s Ivy, Devil’s Vine, Pothos
Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum
Category: Houseplant
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 10A – 11B
Sun: Partial shade (2-4 hours of sun per day) , Full shade (little or no direct sun)
Water: Medium
Soil: Sandy Loam
pH: Adaptable
Height: 10 to 40 ft
Spread: 6 to 8 ft
Spacing: 2 to 4 ft
Growth Rate: Moderate
Bloom Time: Rarely flowers indoors
Bloom Color(s): Golden, Lavender, Yellow, White
Leaf Shape: Cordate
Leaf Arrangement: Whorled
Leaf Retention: Evergreen
Plant Description:
Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a perennial broadleaf evergreen vine most commonly maintained for its glossy green or variegated leaves affixed to cascading stems. Golden Pathos was discovered on the Society Islands. It is a shade-loving vine that will grow approximately 8 feet in length as a horizontal groundcover but when grown as a climbing vine it may exceed 40 feet in length. Golden Pothos has only a limited application in most landscapes due to its USDA hardiness zone range of 10 through 11. Golden Pathos plants require dappled sunlight, partial shade, or deep shade with a loose loam-based soil texture and good drainage. The leaves are 3 to 6 inches in length and width, simple, glossy, smooth, with cordate, deltoid, elliptical or ovate shapes. The leaves are showy containing gold/yellow, green, variegated, and white colors. The stems may be gold/yellow, variegated or white. Golden Pothos produces occasional (rare) golden, yellow, green, or purple-lavender flowers. A berry-type fruit is occasionally produced which is colored orange or red-burgundy. The fruit is red-orange when ripe. All parts of the Golden Pothos contain calcium oxalate crystals that are poisonous with a medium degree of toxicity. The plant is considered poisonous to humans but may also represent a hazard for cats, dogs, and horses. Except for locations within the hardiness zone range of (10-11) the primary applications for Golden Pothos are as an indoor plant maintained near a shaded but bright window, atrium, or in a greenhouse. As a houseplant or in a greenhouse, it is particularly valued as a hanging basket or suspended container which allows it to display its propensity for growth up to 40 feet in length. In large indoor spaces such as shopping malls, Golden Pathos is grown in suspended containers that feature its elongated growth pattern.
Propagation & Planting:

Golden Pothos requires dappled sunlight, deep shade, or partial shade. The soil mixture for hanging baskets should be a high-quality potting soil mix. When grown in containers an organically rich loam or silt texture is desired for the soil. Golden Pothos requires good soil drainage and consistent moisture. Golden Pothos has been reported to tolerate occasional moderate dryness. Provisions for hanging a basket or supporting a container will be needed if the long vertical trailing growth pattern is desired. Golden Pathos is most easily propagated by stem cuttings.

Plant Care:

Golden Pathos requires consistency of the environment in which it grows. This is most easily achieved as a houseplant located in a moderately bright room which however receives no direct sunlight. Drafts from heating vents or air conditioning vents should be avoided or deflected. Consistent moisture without overwatering will maintain plant growth while avoiding stem and root disease. If grown and hanging baskets provisions for consistent watering of the basket may become problematic if the basket must be maintained at a significant height. When grown in suspended in a container, support for the vine along a wall or on a trellis may be necessary.


Golden Pathos responds best to the use of a multielement mixed fertilizer that is predominantly nitrogen and potassium in content. Generally, the fertilization is provided in the form of a diluted water-soluble solution delivered in one-half strength every other watering cycle. A slow-release granular fertilizer predominantly nitrogen and potassium based may be substituted for larger mass plantings or in circumstances in which frequent repetitive fertilization is not practical.


Golden Pothos does not require routine pruning. Excessive growth may be controlled by removing leaves or stems as needed. Damaged or diseased leaves should be removed immediately.

Pests & Disease:

Phytophthora, the most common disease infecting pothos is Phytophthora root rot. This disease is frequently introduced via imported propagative cuttings. The agent is a water mold, Phytophthora nicotianae. Excessive or inappropriate watering methods promote the occurrence and the spread of the disease. Treatment in circumstances in which a large number of plants are present is easiest by removing the diseased plant. Inappropriate watering techniques or excessive watering should be corrected. Treatment of the diseased plant requires the application of a systemic fungicide. The warnings and the directions for use of a fungicide should be carefully examined and understood before proceeding with the fungicidal application.