20 Winter Garden Projects You Can Start Now

20 Winter Garden Projects You Can Start Now

[Moving closer to Spring, we want to start thinking about all the work needed in our gardens. This list offers ideas for 20 winter garden projects you can start while it’s still cold outside. You’ll find practical additions (i.e., building a planter box) and more traditional ideas (i.e., planting bulbs). Not ready to tackle the complete list? Pick a handful of favorites and get started on your winter garden projects today!

Garden Projects – Planting

1 – Planting Bulbs

Bulbs are a novice gardener’s best friend! They love to go in the ground during the colder months. Bulbs are easy to plant, and you don’t have to stand outside in the cold to water them. And they are a great way to add color to your garden in the early Spring. 

2 – Weeding

Weeding is one of those tasks that nobody looks forward to, but it’s necessary if you want a healthy garden. Make it easier on yourself by using mulch or other weed barriers. Of course, wear gloves to keep your hands warm in the cooler temps and to protect your hands while weeding.

3 – Planting Perennials

If you’re planning on building a new garden, make sure that planting perennials is on your list of winter garden projects. These plants will come back every Spring for many years to come. We covered several items to consider on how to prepare a new garden area or to create a perfect flower garden or shade garden earlier on the blog.


4 – Planting a Tree

A tree adds extra shade to your garden, and it also helps to improve the air quality. Be sure to choose a type of tree suitable for your climate. The cooler temps are a great time to plant a tree to allow the roots to settle in before Spring.

5 – Planting Shrubs

Shrubs can add extra color to your garden that will last all year. Bonus, they’re also really easy to grow. There are even shrubs that you can eat (i.e., blueberry shrubs), making them one of the most versatile plants you can add to your winter garden project list! 

6 – Creating a Vegetable Garden

If you’re interested in eating healthier or have made it one of your New Year’s Resolutions, a vegetable garden may be the perfect addition to your garden. If you’re short on space or not ready to commit to a full vegetable garden, you can plant herbs to use in your cooking. 

Garden Projects – Building

7 – Building a Planter Box

Planter boxes are a stylish way to spruce up your deck, patio, or porch. And, you can even use planter boxes around the base of trees! You can use just about anything to create your planter box, and it’s a great winter garden project you can work on inside your garage or home.

8 – Adding a Fountain

A fountain can be a beautiful addition to any garden, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. If you’re handy with tools, you can even make your own! Take a trip to your local botanical garden and look around for inspiration. Then, head to your local garden center to figure out what you’ll need to get started. 

9 – Renovating Garden Edging

If you’re tired of looking at that old torn-up edge in your garden, now is the time to renovate it. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference a fresh coat of paint can make. Despite the cooler temps, you’ll be refreshed come Spring! 

10 – Adding a Bench or Gazebo

Having somewhere to sit in your garden can be relaxing, so why not add a bench or gazebo? Adding a bench or gazebo is a great garden project in the winter months. It can be as simple as purchasing from your local garden center or finding plans online and building it yourself!  

garden project - add a bench  

11 – Adding Decorative Rocks

Decorative rocks can be an excellent way to add color and interest to your garden. You can buy them at an outdoor shop or use the ones you already have in your yard. Get creative! And, you can even keep on your winter gloves while working on this garden project.

12 – Creating a Pathway

A pathway can make your garden more accessible and add some visual interest. You can use various materials to create a path, including concrete, brick, or stone. Talk to a local landscaper for ideas on this garden project and to help get it installed before Spring.

13 – Setting Up a Compost Bin

A compost bin is a great way to recycle your food waste (so you can use it in your garden), and it also reduces the amount of garbage that goes to the landfill. You can start composting any time of year, so why wait? Put composting at the top of your list of winter garden projects, and you’ll be in the habit completely when your Spring crops are ready.

14 – Adding a Bird Feeder and Bird Bath

Attracting birds to your garden improves biodiversity. And it’s also enjoyable to watch them. We wrote about creating a space to attract hummingbirds earlier on the blog as part of our National Pollinator Week coverage. If you get started on your bird feeder now, they will be ready for their visitors when the flowers begin to bloom.

15 – Installing a Wind Chime

Wind chimes make delightful decorations for any outdoor space. You can build one using various pipes linked together, or you can usually find them at your local garden center. Wind chimes are beautiful, and the sounds can be very relaxing – so sit back and enjoy! 

16 – Installing a Fence or Gate

A fence or gate is a great way to add some extra privacy to your garden, and it also helps to keep out unwanted pests. If the ground is too cold for digging, think about your perimeter. You can use a variety of materials such as wood or iron.

17 – Adding Lighting

Garden lighting can set the mood in your garden, and it can also help to scare off unwanted animals. You can find solar lights just about anywhere and place them along pathways, under shrubs, or high in the trees for a dramatic impact. And while the days are shorter in the winter months, you’ll have plenty of darker hours to enjoy these beautiful new lights.

Garden Project – Storage

18 – Building a Greenhouse

A greenhouse is a great way to extend the growing season, no matter the temperatures! Greenhouses allow you to experiment with different types of plant life, with precisely the right combination of soil, light, and water you desire. 

19 – Building a Garden Tool Storage Rack

It’s always nice having your tools organized and close at hand—however, many balk at the idea of building something complicated for this purpose. A simple garden tool rack can be constructed using wooden pallets or pegboards in your garage. And, you can do this despite what elements the winter weather may bring since you’ll be covered inside. 

The Most Important Winter Garden Project

20 – Prepare your garden with PlantTAGG

If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your garden this Spring, PlantTAGG is the perfect solution! And now is a great time to get your yard and zones set up in the PlantTAGG app. Once you get it set up, you’ll be good to go when the temps warm-up and you’re ready to be outside!


PlantTAGG makes it easy to keep track of your plants. Follow along on our blog or forum for helpful tips and advice. With PlantTAGG, you’ll have everything you need to create a beautiful and sustainable garden – and keep it thriving all year

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