Chinese Fringe Flower, Loropetalum, Chinese Witch Hazel, Strap Flower,

‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ thrives when planted into moist, well-drained, acidic soil, which has been amended with organic matter, such as compost. The plant prefers a soil pH of 4.5-6.5. ‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ prefers two to four hours of direct sunlight daily and will appreciate some afternoon shade. This shrub is easily transplanted from containers purchased from a reputable, local nursery. A hole should be dug as wide and deep as the purchased container plant. The plant should be thoroughly watered prior to planting and after, with the addition of mulch. This plant needs weekly watering throughout its first season. ‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ can be propagated from a six-inch-long stem cutting. To accomplish this, the lower leaves should be removed, and the cut end dipped into rooting hormone powder, and then gently pressed into moist growing medium. The cutting must receive consistent moisture and bright, indirect light until roots form. ‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ should be spaced at least seven feet from surrounding plants and provided with protection from strong winds.
‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ is easy to care for and will tolerate dry conditions, once established. The plant performs best and is most attractive when provided with consistent moisture, partial shade, and wind protection. The soil should be allowed to dry between each watering and must never become soggy. Excellent soil drainage is essential to prevent fungal diseases.
‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ benefits from a slow-release liquid or granular fertilizer specifically-formulated for acid-loving plants. This shrub may benefit from a 16-4-8 fertilizer containing sulfur and iron, or any other formula recommended by a reputable local nursery representative to help maintain beneficial nutrients in the soil. It is very important to carefully follow the directions on the product label before using any fertilizer.
It is best to prune ‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ in the spring, after the most profuse flowering has finished. This shrub will tolerate considerable shaping, and is commonly pruned into a rounded shrub form. ‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ is lovely when left to its natural form, and pruning is not always necessary. Dead wood or unattractive twigs may be regularly removed to maintain a neat appearance.
‘Chinese Fringe Flower’ is affected by few serious pests or diseases. Root Rot may arise from poorly-drained, alkaline soil. Bacterial gall diseases have occasionally infected this shrub. It is recommended to disinfect all tools before pruning the plant to help prevent gall diseases. Before purchasing a nursery-grown shrub, a thorough inspection of the plant should be conducted to ensure the absence of galls on the new plant.