My Hardiness Zone and How PlantTAGG Works
PlantTAGG Hardiness Zone calculations are more accurate than industry standards - but also configurable.
PlantTAGG Hardiness Zone calculations are more accurate than industry standards - but also configurable.
This article covers everything you need to know to get started with Hostas in your own garden. PlantTAGG can help!
This article covers 10 heat-tolerant plants to consider for your summer garden.
Working directly with a PlantTAGG-enabled local garden center removes the guesswork and sets you up for success!
Air Plants bring originality to any room. They are fun to collect and make beautiful accents for many interior decor styles. Learn all about Air Plants in this article on the PlantTAGG blog.
You've done the measurements, analyzed the sunlight, and tuned your irrigation system. This article walks you through using the PlantTAGG app in your local garden center to make it fast, easy and fun to create the garden of your dreams.
We are thrilled to announce that the PlantTAGG mobile app is now available in the Apple iPhone and Google Play app stores! It's free to use - download it today for additional features and the most comprehensive plant and plant care info -- backed by Master Gardeners! Keep reading to learn more.
We are glowing with excitement over the PlantTAGG-enabled Spring Garden Tours across North Texas this season. Of course, it's incredible to see the amazing private and community gardens filled with native plants, unique specimens, and colorful blooms. It's been especially great to hear the feedback from everyone who got to experience PlantTAGG first-hand in the gardens! This article highlights some of the beautiful imagery in the gardens this year.
While there's no "one size fits all" solution to keep deer away from your garden, you can reduce the chances of your garden becoming the next buffet. This article covers six ways to keep deer (and other animals) away from your flower garden.
Summer is a great time to see your garden full of colorful flowers. The perfect summer flower is cheery, stays vibrant in extreme heat, smells great, and makes you smile. Now is the right time to be planning which blooms you want to enjoy this summer. Below is a list of 15 blooms to consider for your garden.