Turk's Cap, Wax Mallow, Ladies' Eardrops, Scotchman's Purse, Turk's Turban, Wild Fuchsia, Texas Mallow, Red Mallow, Bleeding Heart, Drummond Wax Mallow, Sleepy Hibiscus, Mexican Apple, Sleeping Hibiscus, Manzanita

‘Turk’s Cap’ is versatile and will tolerate full sun or partial shade. This plant will not survive soggy soil, and prefers to receive 2-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. ‘Turk’s Cap’ is easily propagated from fresh seeds, making sure to barley cover them with soil when sowing. Softwood cuttings may also be taken from the plant. These should be several inches long, dipped into rooting hormone powder, and pressed into moist soil medium until roots begin to grow. Additionally, clumps may be lifted from the soil and divided for transplanting
‘Turk’s Cap’ will need to be irrigated regularly until fully-established, but after that time period, supplemental water is only necessary when the soil has dried out. Although ‘Turk’s Cap’ is drought-tolerant, a regular watering schedule will encourage more blooms and a more attractive form. This plant must not be over-watered, and excellent soil drainage is essential. ‘Turk’s Cap’ will thrive in partial shade, but if located in full shade, the plant will tend to stretch in an attempt to reach more light. In this case, the plant may need staking.
More attractive growth and blooms may result from the application of a balanced 10-10-10 slow-release fertilizer. This should be applied in mid-summer, making sure to follow the directions on the product label.
If cut back by a third in early spring, ‘Turk’s Cap’ will rapidly re-grow into a more attractive, mounding form. Dead or damaged stems should be removed regularly, and the plant may need occasional trimming to maintain its shape.
‘Turk’s Cap’ is relatively pest and disease-free when healthy. Fungal diseases are preventable by monitoring the application of water and making sure the soil dries completely between each watering. During periods of drought or stress, spider mites may attack. These can be treated with a spray of insecticidal soap, making sure to follow the product label directions.