Sunshine Ligustrum, Sunshine Privet

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Common Name: Sunshine Ligustrum, Sunshine Privet
Botanical Name: Ligustrum sinense ‘Sunshine’
Category: Shrub
Lifecycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zones: 6A – 10B
Sun: Full Sun (6+ hours of sun per day) , High Sun (4-6 hours of sun per day)
Water: Medium
Soil: Adaptable
pH: Adaptable
Height: 3 to 6 ft
Spread: 3 to 4 ft
Spacing: 3 to 4 ft
Growth Rate: Moderate
Bloom Time: Non-Flowering
Bloom Color(s): White, Red, Pink, Orange
Leaf Shape: Elliptic
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Leaf Retention: Evergreen
Miscellaneous: Tolerates poor soil
Plant Description:
Forget all the stories about ligustrum or privet being invasive. ‘Sunshine Ligustrum’ is a newer dwarf cultivar that is sterile and does not bloom, thus is non-invasive and as an added bonus is not a problem to allergy sufferers. It is ideal for an evergreen hedge, and very colorful in the garden with its bright yellow-green leaves that can be seen from blocks away. This is an easy care full sun plant in any soil in zones 6 to 10, with incredible heat and drought tolerance. The mature size is 3′-6′ tall and 3′-4′ wide, and while it will grow in the shade, it will not be as large, nor will it have the bright yellow leaves that makes the plant so noticeable. It makes a great screening hedge, and is beautiful planted alongside purple plants like Loropetalum or above red and yellow daylilies or other flowers. Because it can be kept as small as desired, add it to container arrangements for contrast against dark green aspidistra and purple heuchera, with a spiller of fig ivy or Asian jasmine. The single drawback to this plant, particularly if the gardener prefers plants that are unusual, is its massive popularity and use in many commercial mass plantings. It seems to be everywhere.
Propagation & Planting:

Plant 3′-4′ apart. Dig hole twice the width of the pot and no deeper so the new plant will sit 2″-3″ above surrounding soil after backfilled. Water well and mulch the area. Water twice weekly or as needed until established, then the plant is water-wise and drought tolerant.

Plant Care:

No special care at all. This plant is tough. If the interior of the plant seems to be losing leaves, give it a deep watering.


None required, but if plant is in a container, it can be fertilized in the spring with an all purpose balanced, slow release fertilizer.


Prune as needed to maintain compact stature, or leave it to grow with abandon. It can be kept to a little two foot hedge, a cone-shaped shrub, or free form. One noticeable feature of pruning or not is that the outside leaves of the plant will be bright yellow green, but just underneath the top layer the leaves are all green.

Pests & Disease:

Very pest and disease resistant.